Nuova pubblicazione MSACL US 2017

01 Feb 2017

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Antibiotics in Plasma: A Novel, Seamlessly Automated LC-MS Solution to Increase Sensitivity, Specificity and Routine Throughput effectiveness
Luigi Motti1, Davide Vecchietti2, Chiara Aporti1, Claudio Ghilardi2, Claudio Pozzi2, Isabel Teresa Cabruja2
1– Alifax S.r.l., Padova Italy 2– Shimadzu Italia S.r.l., Milan Italy


Antimicrobials prescription tuning is more and more required by Clinicians to improve patients with severe infection outcome and to reduce the development of antimicrobial resistance. TDM must be used to optimize the efficacy and minimize the toxicity of a antimicrobial therapy by individual patient. UHPLC-MS/MS shows higher sensitivity and specificity compared to other technologies, however this approaches shows lack in standardization due complex sample preparation procedures that involves long time-consuming and errors risks due to the several required manual steps. The use of a novel ready to use kit for antibiotic applied to a sample prep sampler seamlessly connected to an UHPLC-MS/MS platform shows the impressive increase of the data quality and of the clinical sensitivity with an impressive TAT improvement.